The "bpminlicense" utility manages a NetBackup license file. The preferred method to manage NetBackup licenses is to use the Help > License Keys panel in the NetBackup Administration Console.
Windows command location: %install_path%\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd
UNIX command location: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
bpminlicense -add_keys
bpminlicense -delete_keys
bpminlicense -find_keys -verbose
bpminlicense -list_keys -verbose
-list_keys - Lists the keys in the NetBackup license file.
-verbose - Displays additional information to standard output.
-add_keys | -delete_keys | -find_keys keystring1 .. keystringn - Respectively, these options find and list, add, or delete one or more specified keystrings in the NetBackup license file.